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Breast Implants and Shoulder Pain: Is There A Link?

A medical provider showcasing breast implants

We know that the appeal of having new breast implants can add a little boost to your confidence and some spring to your step. But, just like anything new, sometimes things don't quite settle in the way you'd like. One issue that some people with breast implants might experience is shoulder pain. 

We'll be taking a closer look at the possible causes of shoulder pain in individuals with breast implants and the possible treatment options.

Can Breast Implants Cause Shoulder Pain?

It may be possible that your breast implants are too large or heavy for your body to carry. 

In women with naturally large breasts, symptoms like chronic neck, back, and shoulder pain are actually pretty common. In fact, these are the reasons why women might decide to undergo breast reduction surgery. 

Large breast implants may have the same effect on your body. You know how sometimes your shoulder can ache when you carry a heavy bag for too long? Well, it's kind of like that with breast implants. 

If you've got large breast implants, they can put a lot of weight on your chest and shoulders, which can cause discomfort. According to one study, increased breast size paired with tight bra straps may pull down on your shoulder blade. This may cause fatigue in your shoulder and upper back muscles. 

Other possible causes of shoulder pain after getting breast implants include: 

  • Capsular Contracture
  • Nerve Injury
  • Breast Implant Illness 

We'll be breaking down these conditions one by one. 

What Is Capsular Contracture?

Capsular contracture is a condition that can occur after breast augmentation surgery. It happens when the scar tissue that naturally forms around the implant tightens and hardens. 

Basically, your body's immune system may sometimes react to the implant because it's a foreign object. Your body forms scar tissue around the implant, like a shield, to protect itself. 

This scar tissue can actually help keep the implant in place. But sometimes, that scar tissue can tighten up and harden, causing pain and deformities. 

Capsular contracture is the most common complication after breast surgery. It can occur in 5 to 19% of women who undergo breast augmentation. 

Does Capsular Contracture Cause Shoulder Pain?

The tight scar tissue from a capsular contracture can also affect the shoulder and cause pain, limited movement, and muscle spasms. This may be because the scar tissue can tighten the tissues in your chest and cause the shoulder joint not to work properly. 

What Does Capsular Contracture Pain Feel Like?

It's important to note that not all patients with capsular contracture will experience pain. It will depend on the severity of the contracture. Plastic surgeons came up with a grading system to help them assess the condition. 

The grades are defined as follows

Grade I: The breast is normally soft and appears natural. 

Grade II: The breast is a little firm but still has a natural shape. 

Grade III: The breast is firm and has a noticeable change in shape but is still mostly soft. 

Grade IV: The breast is hard, painful, and severely misshapen.

Patients with grade IV contractures will usually have sore breasts that are tender or painful when touched. The pain is sometimes described as a tight, aching, or burning sensation in the chest. 

Can Breast Implants Cause Nerve Pain?

In rare cases, breast implants can impinge on nerves and cause nerve damage. This can result in a range of symptoms including:

  • Pain
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Weakness in the chest, arm, or hand

Nerve damage can occur due to direct pressure from the implant on a nerve or scar tissue that forms around the implant, compressing the nerve. The nerve may also be directly injured during the procedure. 

In 2008, there was a report of a case of a breast implant compressing the nerves of the arm of a patient. The woman presented with severe breast pain radiating to the shoulders and arms when moving. The doctors found this case very unusual, and it is actually the only case of this complication reported so far. 

The risk of nerve damage is generally higher in patients with larger implants or complications after surgery. The technique used in breast augmentation can also increase your risk of nerve injury.

What Is Breast Implant Illness?

Breast implant illness (BII) is a term used to describe a range of symptoms that some women experience after receiving breast implants. These symptoms can include: 

  • Fatigue
  • Joint Pain
  • Muscle Pain
  • Memory Problems
  • Rashes 
  • Hair Loss

Despite being a commonly reported condition, with 95% of women from one study complaining of symptoms from BII, doctors and researchers are still careful in considering it a distinct medical condition. 

This is because the symptoms of BII can also occur in the general population. Injury, overuse, or other medical conditions are just a few of the potential causes. According to one scientific review, very little evidence supports the existence of "breast implant illness" or "silicone implant illness. They also ensure that silicone implants are safe. 

Despite this, new research is cropping up supporting BII's existence. According to a study in 2022, there is a clear relationship between silicone breast implants and breast implant illness. According to the study, some women with breast implants may have severe symptoms requiring implant removal. 

Can Breast Implant Illness Cause Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder pain can be one of the symptoms reported by some women who may have breast implant illness (BII). There was one case from 2020 of a woman who started experiencing worsening shoulder pain. This pain progressed to her arm, wrist, and hips. 

Since the patient had no evidence of autoimmune disease, the patient and her doctors decided to remove her implant. The patient reported improvement in her symptoms immediately after implant removal. 

As we wait for the scientific and medical community to come up with a consensus on BII, you need to be aware of the possible risks. If you think your breast implants are causing symptoms, talk to a doctor or surgeon. 

You have the right to make informed decisions about your body, including keeping or removing your implants. 

What Can I Do To Relieve Shoulder Pain From Breast Implants?

The possible treatments for shoulder pain that may be from breast implants will depend on the cause. But in general, the following may help you relieve the pain: 

  1. Massage and physical therapy

Gentle massage and physical therapy can help with shoulder pain by relieving muscle tension. Physical therapy and exercise may also help strengthen your shoulder and chest muscles. 

  1. Medications

Anti-inflammatory medications or pain relievers may be prescribed to manage pain and discomfort. 

  1. Implant adjustment or removal

In severe cases, your plastic surgeon may recommend adjusting the position of the implant. They may also suggest removing and replacing the implant with a smaller one. 

If your symptoms are caused by breast implant illness or capsular contracture, then capsulotomy, capsulectomy, and implant removal are considered the only effective treatments. According to one study, you may also take NSAIDs for 6 months if you are reluctant to undergo surgery. 

Capsulotomy and capsulectomy are two different surgical procedures used to treat capsular contracture. 

  1. Capsulotomy 

A capsulotomy is a procedure in which the plastic surgeon makes an incision in the scar tissue. This can relieve the pressure on the implant. This restores a natural appearance to the breast. This procedure is typically performed to correct mild-to-moderate cases of capsular contracture. 

  1. Capsulectomy

A capsulectomy is a more extensive procedure in which the plastic surgeon removes the entire scar tissue capsule. This procedure is typically performed to correct severe cases of capsular contracture. It is also performed when the implant has ruptured or leaked. In a capsulectomy, the implant is often removed and replaced with a new one. 

two pictures showing percentage risk of capsular contracture

If you decide to replace your implant with a new one, be aware that the type of implant may significantly impact the risk of capsular contracture. According to one study, textured breast implants had a 3-14% risk of contractures. Meanwhile, smooth breast implants had a 6-20% risk of contractures. 


Shoulder pain is a possible side effect of breast augmentation for some women. Large implants may cause discomfort due to the added weight on the chest and shoulders. When coupled with tight bra straps, they can pull down on the shoulder blade. 

Other possible causes include capsular contracture, nerve injury, and breast implant illness. 

When deciding whether to keep or remove implants, knowing each option's potential benefits and risks is important. In order to make an informed decision, consult with a healthcare professional. They will provide information on the options available and help you understand the potential risks and benefits. 

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Raoul Angelo Cam is a registered medical technologist. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in BS Clinical Laboratory Sciences at Cebu Doctor’s University and completed 3 years of coursework toward a Doctor of Medicine degree. He co-authored 3 research papers in the fields of Microbiology, HIV, and Pharmacology during his time at university.